- Primary
<button class="Button">Primary</button>
- Secondary
<button class="Button secondary">Secondary</button>
- Disabled
<button disabled class="Button">Disabled</button>
- Disabled (light)
<button disabled class="Button light">Disabled (light)</button>
- Wide
<button class="Button wide">Wide</button>
- Large
<button class="Button large">Large</button>
- Small
<button class="Button secondary small">Small</button>
- Icon (leading)
<button class="Button"> <MagnifyingGlass size="24" />Icon (leading) </button>
- Icon (trailing)
<button class="Button secondary"> Icon (trailing)<ChevronRight size="24" /> </button>
- Text only
<button class="Button basic">Text only</button>
- Text button with icon and hover effect
<button class="Button basic gold-hover">Hover me</button>
- Text button with icon that "breaks out" of its container
<div style="border: 1px dotted red;"> <button class="Button basic icon-break-out"> <ChevronDown size="24" />Icon outside </button> </div>
- Checkbox icon button
<label class="styled-control"> <input type="checkbox" /> <MusicCast size="24" /> <span class="sr-only">Hidden text</span> </label>
- Link
<a href="#" class="Link">Link</a>
- Inline link
<p> An <a href="#" class="Link inline">inline link</a> in a paragraph. </p>
An inline link in a paragraph.
- Link as button
<a href="#" class="Button">Link as button</a>
- Disabled link button
<a href="#" inert class="Button">Disabled link button</a>
- Icon (leading)
<a class="Link"> <MagnifyingGlass size="16" />Icon (leading) </a>
- Icon (trailing)
<a class="Link"> Icon (trailing)<ChevronRight size="16" /> </a>
- H1
<h1 class="as-h1">Heading level 1</h1>
Heading level 1
- H2
<h1 class="as-h2">Heading level 2</h1>
Heading level 2
- H3
<h1 class="as-h3">Heading level 3</h1>
Heading level 3
- H4
<h1 class="as-h4">Heading level 4</h1>
Heading level 4
- H6
<h1 class="as-h6">Heading level 6</h1>
Heading level 6
- Decorative H1
<h1 class="as-h1 decorative">Decorative Heading</h1>
Decorative Heading
- Flame Text
<h1 class="as-h1 flame-text">Flame Heading</h1>
Flame Heading
- Flame Text on Contained Hover Trigger
<div class="flame-text-on-contained-hover-trigger"> <h1 class="as-h1 flame-text">Flame Heading</h1> <a class="Link inline gold hover-trigger" href="#">Hover me</a> </div>
Flame text on container hover
Hover me - Shadow Heading
<ShadowHeading Elem="h1" as="h1" classString="mb-24" text="Flame Heading with drop shadow" />
Shadow Heading
Shadow Heading - Heading Lockup
<h1 class="h-lockup"> <span class="as-h6">Multiple</span> <span class="as-h3 flame-text">Heading styles</span> </h1>
Multiple Heading styles
- Body 1
<p class="body-1">Body 1</p>
Typical body paragraph text
- Body 2
<p class="body-2">Body 2</p>
Slightly smaller body copy
- Error
<p class="error">Error</p>
Error text
- Info
<p class="info">Info</p>
Info text
- Warning
<p class="warning">Warning</p>
Warning text
- Success
<p class="success">Success</p>
Success text
- Small
<p class="small">Small</p>
- Eyebrow
<p class="eyebrow">Eyebrow</p>
- Eyebrow large
<p class="eyebrow large">Eyebrow large</p>
Eyebrow large
- Eyebrow extra large
<p class="eyebrow extra-large">Eyebrow extra large</p>
Eyebrow extra large
- Caption
<p class="caption">Caption</p>
- Label
<p class="label">Label</p>
- Footnote
<p class="footnote">Footnote</p>
- Firebox
<div class="firebox p-24">Firebox</div>
Firebox - Firebox (on Hover)
<div class="firebox p-24">Firebox</div>
Hover me - Firebox (with Contained Hover Trigger)
<div class="firebox-with-contained-hover-trigger p-24"> <p class="mb-16">Blah blah</p> <button class="hover-trigger" type="button">Hover me</button> </div>
Hovering in the box (but not the trigger) won't trigger the firebox.
- Flamebox (with Contained Hover Trigger)
<div class="flamebox-with-contained-hover-trigger p-24"> <p class="mb-16">Blah blah</p> <button class="hover-trigger" type="button">Hover me</button> </div>
Hovering in the box (but not the trigger) won't trigger the flamebox.
Hover me - Graybox
<div class="graybox p-24"> <p class="mb-16">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectiteur</p> </div>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectiteur
- Shaded Section
<div style={{background: "var(--color-flame-red-50)", "padding": "2rem"}}> <div class="shaded-section"> <p class="mb-16">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectiteur</p> </div> </div>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectiteur
- Testimonial
<Testimonial testimonial="This is a testimonial quote" author="Anonymous"/>
This is a testimonial quote
- Success
<Alert type="success"> <p> <strong>This</strong> can be anything. When it wraps to two lines, the icon should align with the first line of text. </p> </Alert>
This can be any HTML. When it wraps to two lines, the icon aligns with the first line of text.
- Info
<Alert type="info"> This is just something you might want to know </Alert>
This is just something you might want to know - Warning
<Alert type="warning"> Watch out, buddy! </Alert>
Watch out, buddy! - Error
<Alert type="error"> Oh nooo! </Alert>
Oh nooo! - Toast
<div style="position: relative;"> <Alert type="success" toast> <p> <strong>Success!</strong> Your game has been successfully created. </p> </Alert> </div>
Success! Your game has been successfully created.
- Opens Left
<button class="Button primary" type="button"> <Tooltip offsetX="1.4rem" offsetY="0.8rem" opens="left"> Opens left, contained in a span by default </Tooltip> <Icons.Diamond size="24" /> </button>
- Opens Center
<button class="Button basic" type="button"> <Tooltip elem="div" offsetY="1.2rem" opens="center" width="33rem"> <p class="body-2"> Wider div tooltip, centered, with body-2 text treatment </p> </Tooltip> <Icons.Diamond size="24" /> </button>
- Opens Right
<button class="Button basic" type="button"> <Tooltip elem="div" offsetX="1.9rem" offsetY="1.2rem" opens="right"> <span class="body-2"> Opens right, can contain <strong>other</strong> elements </span> </Tooltip> <Icons.Diamond size="24" /> </button>
- Offsets
<button class="Button basic" type="button"> <Tooltip elem="div" offsetX="2.9rem" offsetY="0rem" opens="right"> <span class="body-2"> offsetX adjusts notch position, offsetY adjusts overall tooltip position relative to the triggering element vertically </span> </Tooltip> <Icons.Diamond size="24" /> </button>
- Any Trigger
<div class="Button basic"> <Tooltip elem="div" opens="center"> <p class="caption"> Any containing element can trigger the tooltip </p> </Tooltip> <p>Any trigger</p> </div>
Any trigger
- Success
{/* Example */} <Diamond class="nudge-down" size="20" />